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Hand Massage



Utilizing techniques to affect deeper tissue in the body such as muscle & fascia to resolve adhesions and trigger points to improve movement & balance along with decreasing muscle tension & pain. Cupping and IASTM can be added. 

Sports Massage

Designed for highly active & mobile individuals. Utilizing specific techniques, to include IASTM, cupping, and stretching, that are muscle specific goal orientated to achieve performance based outcomes for improved movement and functionality. 

Swedish Massage

Designed to relax & soften muscle tissue along with calming the nervous system. Using light to moderate pressured effleurage strokes in the same direction while helping circulatory function.


Therapy specifically tailored for the expectant mother's needs. It is also called pre-natal massage.

Sinus Relief/Headache Relief

Struggling with headaches or sinus pressure? This massage is for you. Using cupping and/or cold stones

to target and focus on soothing tension in the head, neck, shoulders and face to bring you the comfort and relaxation you deserve. ** May include essential oils; peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus.

Hot/Cold Stone Massage

Utilizing the heat from stones works to relax the muscles, allowing the therapist to utilize less force on the muscles to release tension. The warmth of the stones is therapeutic & helps relieve muscle spasms, pain, tension. A lesser known technique- cold stone massage- has a myriad of benefits. In addition to relieving stress and helping the body to relax, cryotherapy (the use of cold), can be a powerful decongestant and push blood, fluid, and wastes out of overworked or inflamed tissues.   These benefits make this type of massage particularly beneficial for relieving swelling and inflammation resulting from sports injury, scar tissue, or trauma.  

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. The results and benefits of trigger point massage are releasing constricted areas in the muscles thus alleviating pain. 

Compression TherapY

Worn on either the arms, hips, or legs. The Rapid Reboot Recovery system utilizes intermittent, pneumatic compression to help speed up your body's natural repair and recovery process. 


Passive movement along the spine helps to relax the muscles and increase mobility. 

Kinesio Taping

Is a therapeutic taping technique that alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting effect forms convolutions in the skin increasing interstitial space and allowing for decreased inflammation in affected areas. 


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